Flowers and Birds on a Mission

Bluebird and Heron set

The window overlooks Great Bay where Barry watches for great blue herons, and their porch where Alice enjoys the bluebirds that congregate at her feeders. One chair features herons with a small bluebird, and the other features bluebirds with a small heron in the scene. A little bit of yin in the yang. The table design combines both in equal measure.
This is another example of Cooper’s knack for connecting his work with his patrons.

Flowers and Birds on a Mission 3

Cherry tinted with dichromate
22 x 27 x 31 high, 15 inches at the seat

The chair design is mission style but with shapely curves instead of the square lines, and the slats are decorated with nature themed carvings, these are those found in New England – robin, daffodils and such.